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Saturday, December 21, 2019

TEN NFL PLAYERS CHARGED "Ex-Saint Joe Horn pleads guilty for role in defrauding NFL health care program...Ten players were charged last week: Vanover, Clinton Portis, Robert McCune, John Eubanks, Carlos Rogers, Ceandris Brown, James Butler, Fredrick Bennett, Correll Buckhalter and Etric Pruitt. The DOJ also announced that it would seek charges against Horn and Caldwell .."

TEN NFL PLAYERS CHARGED  "Ex-Saint Joe Horn pleads guilty for role in defrauding NFL health care program...Ten players were charged last week: Vanover, Clinton Portis, Robert McCune, John Eubanks, Carlos Rogers, Ceandris Brown, James Butler, Fredrick Bennett, Correll Buckhalter and Etric Pruitt. The DOJ also announced that it would seek charges against Horn and Caldwell .."