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Saturday, August 16, 2014

(poor wayne) search:,dustin johnson,cocaine,paulina gretzky,pga ;*read more

8/5/14 PGA's DUSTIN JOHNSON SUSPENDED 4 COCAINE (what does the Gretzgy girl see in this guy? It's probably breaking the heart of the Great One (Wayne). He's engaged and sleeping with other golfers' wives?! & paulina doesn't care?) ,search:,dustin johnson,cocaine,paulina gretzky,pga ;*read more at
"BY STEPHANIE WEBBER...Pro golfer Dustin Johnson has been suspended from the PGA Tour after
testing positive for cocaine, reports.
The athlete, Paulina Gretzky's fiance,
announced his leave of absence from the
sport on Thursday, July 31..."
 "The poor man died and was carried by the Angels To Abraham's side.."Luke 16.19-31,posted by vk
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