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Saturday, August 16, 2014

Fwd: search:, golfer,christ,expletive,profaning the name of Jesus,christian post;*read more

8/8/14 SHAME ON TIGER WOODS 4 PROFANING the NAME of JESUS! (Thou shall not take the Lord's name in vain!) ,search:, golfer,christ,expletive,profaning the name of Jesus,christian post;*read more at
"...Tiger Woods is but one more of the famous and not-so
noted members of the choir that utters the name of
Christ as an expletive. Strangely, as theologian-
psychologist Dr. Dan Montgomery notes, the name of
Christ "is America's favorite curse word." ...It would be as if "Buddha" were the
expletive of choice in China, or "Krishna" in India...."
 "The poor man died and was carried by the Angels To Abraham's side.."Luke 16.19-31,posted by vk
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