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Wednesday, April 17, 2019

video: DODGERS SECURITY NEEDLESSLY ROUGHS UP PATRON (you can see they were "trigger happy"

video: DODGERS SECURITY NEEDLESSLY ROUGHS UP PATRON (you can see they were "trigger happy" ...this isn't a "Dodgers problem", it's an "L.A. Problem" ..i come and go from L.A. on a regular basis and there is NO OTHER PLACE in the USA that I have experienced such heavy handed police & security everywhere you go...and you see a chase every day on TV .. , at the same time there are some REAL JERKS around L.A. , more so than other places...the problem is when they start treating EVERYBODY like major jerks...which isn't the case.. that's the big problem..when they treat everybody like MAJOR A-HOLES ..when it's actually maybe about only 10% who are.. , and then they make EVERYBODY ANGRY at the police, and it becomes a "VICIOUS CYCLE" ..see video at