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Friday, May 1, 2015


As a product of culture & society,and having grown up in America,learned at a ytoung age that it is manly to play football,sport,hit hard,even fight at times,including boxing as a sport, Even growing up as a Christian it was never made clear by our church whether "violent sports" such as boxing or football is okay for Christians,or not . Our Christian high school. had a football team,although my Christian college did not . I played football thru high school,starting with "rocket" football (ie junior league,grand rapids,mi) and never thought of it as contradictory to my Christian faith,but I was young & what did I know?

Later in life,especially with the recent concussion studies & evidence of brain damage in some pro athletes,Ihad to re-think my position on football as a Christian,both as a player and/or viewer/attendee.I started a blog in such regard,with the thrust of my conclusion being that football played safely is okay up to a certain age,but as a career,it may be dangerous,if not deadly,and we should have reservations about it,especially as Christians who are supposed to be living for a different purpose.

And all of my football conclusions essentially transfer to boxing as well.Obviously,there's health danger in Boxing,including head trauma,even death. But what a "means to an end"? Manny pacquiao who proclaims his Christian faith (&who I met at church once) may try to Justify boxing as a way to make immense wealth which he can then use to give away for good causes (he helped build a hospital in the Philippines,among other things). Does this justify the risk? Does it justify representing a violent sport seemingly at odds with being a person of "peace'" (which Christianity,in general,is supposed to represent).

Well,that's the arguable question,which you can find points for or against on both sides of the equation.Hence,without arguing either side at the moment,I will simply conclude that,like football,we as Christians should have some reservations about playing/supporting to a certain extent,but there's also the possibility of limited engagement depending on the situation & purpose. I suppose each person must examine his or her own conscience in such regard according to the individual details & circumstances,remembering that all we do,as Christians,should be done for the glory of God alone!