8/30/14 A's COCO CRISP INJURED CATCHING (&dropping) IANETTA HOMERUN @ ANGEL STADIUM,(this is an amazing catch,albeit he couldn't hang on to it because his wrist was too far over the wall..if he had held on it would go down as one of the most amazing catches ever,in my opinion!)
search:,angels,a's,mlb,;*See amazing footage at
"ANAHEIM -- A's center fielder Coco Crisp exited Friday's game in Anaheim in the fifth inning with a strained neck after a tremendous effort to snag Chris Iannetta's two-run homer.
Crisp, who has been bothered by the same injury on numerous occasions this season, is considered day to
"For our struggle is not against flesh & blood , but against the rulers , against the authorities , against the powers of
this dark world & against the spiritual
forces of evil in the heavenly realms." Ephesians 6:12,posted by vk
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