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Monday, April 7, 2014

Fwd: search:,don baylor,opening day,mlb,vlady guerrero,anaheim,angels,first pitch, ;*

4/1/14 COACH DON BAYLOR BREAKS LEG DURING CEREMONIAL 1ST PITCH,ANGELS OPENING DAY,(how bizarre is that?! Do angels have some sort of "curse" causing these freak accidents? & then they blown out after seeming to have a solid lead, with their best pitcher on the mound. Is this going to be another under-achieving season for the angels?) search:,don baylor,opening day,mlb,vlady guerrero,anaheim,angels,first pitch, ;*read more at
"...more freakish
injuries to take place on
Opening Day 2014, Angels
hitting coach Don Baylor
appeared to break an ankle
while catching a ceremonial first
pitch from retiring Angel Vladimir
Guerrero. ... His farewell pitch
was in the dirt, and as the 64-year-
old Baylor -- a career outfielder and
designated hitter, not a catcher --
scrambled to corral the ball, he
somehow snapped a bone in his
right ankle. An attempt to..."
"The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is preached to the poor."Matthew 11:5,posted by vk
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