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Sunday, March 23, 2014

search:mercer, duke, dan coursey,macon,ncaa,blue devils,;*

3/21/14 MERCER STUNS DUKE,78-71,MARCH MADNESS!,(stunning upset! They did the impossible) search:, dan coursey,macon,ncaa,blue devils,;*read more at
"...Make way for the next bunch of bracket
busters from the little-known Atlantic Sun
Conference: Mercer.
Daniel Coursey scored 17 points as the
8,300-student school from Macon, Ga.,
delivered the biggest shocker in an already
topsy-turvy NCAA tournament on Friday,
going into Duke's backyard and knocking off
the No. 3 seed Blue Devils, 78-71..."
"What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit his very self?"Luke 9:25,posted by vk
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