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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Fwd: 12/2/13 TEXANS' SMITH SUSPICIOUS re PATRIOTS ADJUSTMENTS (Have the Patriots been spying?

12/2/13 TEXANS' SMITH SUSPICIOUS re PATRIOTS ADJUSTMENTS (Have the Patriots been spying? Do they get "inside information" re their opponent(s)? If so,how?!),search:, antonio smith,new england,nfl,houston;*read more at
"...So was Smith saying the Patriots' offense
knew what the Texans' D was going to do
before the snap?
"I'm saying it seemed like it," Smith
clarified. "You can't never be for sure on
anything because I ain't over there in their
huddle, in their locker room, but it just felt
like it."..."
HAPPY ADVENT! "If, when we were God's enemies, we were reconciled to Him through the death of His Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through His life." Romans 5:10,posted by vk *DefendRealMarriage("TraditionalMarriage")
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