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Tuesday, September 17, 2013


9/13/13 GENE SIMMONS STANDS UP 4 TEBOW (ironic that Gene from KISS would make a stand for Tebow...probably not true but when KISS started out it was always rumored that they were a "satanic group"...but now he is making a stand for an evangelical Christian & stating what is fairly obvious now: ie that Tebow has essentially been "black-balled" because of his Christian faith, or outspoken faith, not because he doesn't have the talent to play QB. Shame on these NFL teams & owners who are treating Tebow wrongly!) , search:gene simmons,kiss,arena football ,*read more at
) Has polarizing football player Tim Tebow gotten a raw deal in the press because of his
religious beliefs? And would he be treated more respectfully if he were not Christian, and specifically,
Muslim? Gene Simmons thinks so.
"He's got a religious passion, as well he should, we're in America," the KISS frontman
told earlier this week. "He's proud to be a Christian, what's wrong with that? And yet, with
sports media and pop culture media, they make fun of his religion. Really? In America? If he was
wearing a burqa, they wouldn't dare say anything [editor's note: only Muslim women wear burqas] .
But if you're a Christian, you get to be picked on? What the hell? The guy's got family values. I never
saw the media picking on Michael Vick for torturing dogs. Or this other football player, who's alleged
to have killed, committed murder.  That's 'cool.' But a guy who's religious and has got family values
"Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law."Romans 13:8,posted by vk
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