8/10/13 ANGELS' PUJOLS 2 SUE JACK CLARK 4 DOPING ACCUSATION, search:mihlfeld,cardinals,angels, ,wgnu,*read more at
"...Clark, who played for the Cardinals from 1985-87, said on
the radio show that Pujols' former personal trainer Chris
Mihlfeld told Clark 10 years ago that he "shot him up, all
that stuff."
Pujols, ...said in the
statement that the allegations are "irresponsible and
reckless" and that he will take legal action against Clark....[and that] "...My
faith in Jesus Christ, and my respect for this game are too important..."
"Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me will never go
hungry, and he who believes in Me will never be thirsty."John 6:35,posted by vk
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