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Friday, May 24, 2013

5/23/13 O'GRADY MAKES GARCIA'S TIGER WOODS INSULT WORSE , re "COLORED ATHLETES" (man, could they do any worse at putting their foot in their mouth?),*read more at
"Sergio Garcia made a fried chicken joke about Tiger
Woods. Some people were offended. Others weren't.
Garcia apologized. The head of the European Tour,
in an attempt to put this to bed, declared that
"most of Sergio’s friends are colored athletes." Here
we go again...
European Tour CEO George O'Grady made the comments in an interview with Sky Sports,..."  (um, fyi, George,we stopped using the world "colored" about 50 years ago! We now say African-American or simply "black")
"In your hearts, set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an
answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you
have. But do this with gentleness and respect."1 Peter 3:15
Posted by VK
*Read the Bible Daily
*Pray 4Chapels in the PublicSchools
*Stop Violence v Women!

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